Hey! Aman here. Welcome to my personal blog. Please read below as to why the site is structured the way it is. I wish that you learn something new and have fun browsing through all the pages. If you wish to join our communities, there is a [[Join Us]] page on the left side, click on it to Join our communities. ## Philosophy The [[What]] question usually refers to knowing what a specific thing is, before learning [[How]] to use that thing. This is the most crucial of questions and should always be tackled first. > You can check out the blog posts under [[What]] category by clicking [[What |here]]. --- The [[How]] question, this is a very important question to ask. We usually ask this around **How** to install `x`, **How** to do this, **How** to do that. These are the types of questions that usually get answered by tutorials. And I will be making posts about these regularly to educate you. > You can check out the blog posts under [[How]] category by clicking [[How |here]]. --- The [[Why]] question, which a lot of students forget and if they ask it, they are often met with the same answer which is usually, "Do it 'cause it's in the syllabus". I personally do not believe that, and I think that the [[Why]] questions are basically the most important ones, as they are the ones that spark curiosity into young minds. > You can check out the blog posts under [[Why]] category by clicking [[Why|here]]. --- ![](https://i.imgur.com/1QJBRZe.png)